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Education for Creative Advertising in the New Multi-Media Age

By: Neha Mishra, Dean at M.Ad School of IdeaNeha Mishra

In today’s fast-paced, technologically driven world, advertising has become an essential part of our everyday lives. With the rise of digital media and the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, the need for creative advertising has never been more important. In this article, we will explore the role of education in preparing individuals for the challenges and opportunities of creative advertising in the new multi-media age.

The era of the multimedia age is where different platforms like TV, radio, print, and the internet come together in one big party. It’s like a digital revolution that has totally flipped the script on how brands connect with their people. Traditional advertising ways have no doubt given way to interactive and immersive experiences that demand out of the box thinking and innovative approaches.

Education plays a pivotal role in equipping aspiring advertising professionals with the knowledge and skills required to thrive in the new multi-media age. It serves as a foundation for understanding the principles of effective communication, consumer behaviour, and technological advancements that shape the advertising industry. Creativity lies at the heart of successful advertising. Education should focus on nurturing and expanding students’ creative thinking abilities.

In the multimedia age, advertising is no longer limited to copywriting or graphic design. Education must boost its game and encourage people to branch out into new disciplines. We’re talking about getting your hands filthy with VFX, Game development, Animation, and even Virtual Reality. Education for creative advertising should emphasise out of box thinking and creative skills.

In the era of social media and viral content, ethical considerations are crucial for advertising professionals. Education should emphasise the importance of responsible advertising, promoting diversity and inclusivity, and respecting consumer privacy. By instilling ethical principles in students, educational institutions can help shape a new generation of advertising professionals who prioritise integrity and social responsibility.

Education plays a vital role in preparing individuals for the challenges and opportunities of creative advertising in the new multi-media age. By embracing technology, fostering creativity, developing cross-disciplinary skills, encouraging out of box thinking and creative skills, educational institutions can empower aspiring advertising professionals to thrive in this dynamic and ever-evolving industry. As the advertising landscape continues to evolve, education must adapt to ensure that the next generation of creative advertisers is well-equipped to make a lasting impact in the multimedia age.

With the rise of digital platforms, creative advertising now spans across various mediums such as television, radio, print, social media, mobile apps, and more. Educators should emphasise the importance of integrating these platforms cohesively to create effective campaigns that reach the target audience across different channels. In the age of information overload, capturing the audience’s attention requires compelling storytelling and engaging content. Educators should focus on teaching students how to create creative narratives that resonate with the target audience, develop visually appealing designs using a creative mindset that can be built through practical learning and global industry experience.

Creative multi-media advertising has become increasingly popular in recent years as brands strive to engage with their audiences in unique and impactful ways. Here are a few examples of successful creative multi-media advertising campaigns:

Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke”: This campaign involved personalized Coca-Cola cans and bottles with popular names and phrases. The company used various media channels, including TV commercials, print ads, outdoor billboards, and social media platforms, to encourage consumers to share their personalized Coke bottles with friends and family. The campaign generated significant buzz and user-generated content, driving both online and offline engagement. The campaign had a significant positive impact on Coca-Cola’s sales. In the first year of the campaign’s launch in Australia, Coca-Cola saw a 7% increase in sales, reversing a decade-long decline in consumption.

Red Bull’s Stratos Jump: Red Bull’s Stratos Jump was a multi-media event that captivated audiences worldwide. The campaign involved live streaming the record-breaking freefall jump from the edge of space by Felix Baumgartner. Red Bull leveraged traditional TV advertising, online live streaming platforms, social media, and PR efforts to create a global spectacle that aligned perfectly with their brand image of extreme sports and adrenaline. Red Bull’s live stream of the Stratos Jump set a new record on YouTube for the most concurrent views, surpassing previous records held by major events such as the London Olympics and the UEFA Champions League.

IKEA’s Augmented Reality Catalog: IKEA’s multi-media campaign introduced an augmented reality (AR) feature in their catalog app, allowing users to virtually place furniture and decor items in their homes before purchasing. By blending print media with digital technology, IKEA created an interactive and immersive experience for customers, enhancing their engagement and making the shopping process more convenient. The launch of the AR catalog app drove a surge in downloads and usage. According to reports, the app was downloaded over 8.5 million times within the first six months of its release.

Dove’s “Real Beauty Sketches”: This powerful campaign challenged societal perceptions of beauty by conducting an experiment where a forensic artist sketched women based on their own descriptions and then based on the descriptions of others. The campaign included a video that was widely shared online, as well as print ads and billboards. It effectively used multi-media channels to convey an important message and sparked conversations around self-esteem and body image. The “Real Beauty Sketches” video became one of the most-watched video advertisements of all time. Within its first month of release, it received over 114 million views on YouTube alone. The “Real Beauty Sketches” campaign garnered numerous awards and accolades, including the Titanium Grand Prix at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity in 2013.

These examples demonstrate how successful creative multi-media advertising campaigns combine various channels and formats to engage audiences, tell compelling stories, and create memorable experiences. By leveraging the strengths of different media platforms, brands can reach a wider audience and foster deeper connections with their consumers.

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